


十大正规赌平台平台的学生获得了10枚金牌, 在最近的阿拉巴马州SkillsUSA领导会议上获得了六枚银牌和两枚铜牌, 伯明翰职业博览会和州冠军赛.  今年SkillsUSA的主题是“职场冠军,职场准备从这里开始”.”

来自十大正规赌平台平台艾尔斯分校的技术学生, East Broad和Valley Street校区的竞争对手是1,包括增材制造在内的80多个不同类别的875名学生, 制冷, 汽车再加工, 宣传布告栏, 即席发言, 技术制图, 电气施工布线, 工作面试和木工.          

10名优胜者将代表十大正规赌平台平台参加6月24日至28日在路易斯维尔举行的第55届年度全国领导力和技能会议, Ky.

“SkillsUSA让学生成为世界级的工人和领导者,蒂姆·格林说。, 技术教育和劳动力发展学院院长. SkillsUSA的结构化公民计划, 领导力和就业能力加上加兹登州的职业技术教育,确保我们的学生正在加强阿拉巴马州的劳动力.”

学生 finishing in first place and earning gold medals are Haley Earp of Sand Rock and Anthony Morris of Glencoe in Additive Manufacturing Team; Daniel Anderson of Boaz, James Clark of Wellborn and Zackery Cowley of Glencoe in Automated Manufacturing Technology Team; Joseph McDaniel of Boaz in Carpentry (双录取 / High School); Benjamin Gissendaner of Lincoln in Collision Repair; Brandon Terry of Piedmont in Electrical Construction Wiring; Timothy Rogers of Lincoln in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning; Michael Boyd of Oxford in Industrial Motor Control; Rebecca Gaston of Anniston in Job Interview; Aaron Estes of Southside, Charles Evans of Gadsden and David Jones of Sardis in Promotional Bulletin Board Team; and Tyler Woodley of Sand Rock in Technical Drafting.

学生 earning silver medals and finishing in second place include Brandon Sanders of Heflin in Automotive Refinishing Technician; Landon McFall of Jacksonville in CNC Milling; Tavaera Burton of Anniston in Collision Repair; Samuel Day of Heflin in Electrical Construction Wiring; Allegra Champion of Jacksonville in Extemporaneous Speaking; and Trey Brady of Munford in Industrial Motor Control.

第三名的铜牌被授予加兹登(Gadsden)的加斯珀(Gabriela Gasper)和木匠(Pleasant Valley)的尼克·史密斯(Nic Smith).

学生 who represented Gadsden State at the skills competition and finished in the Top 10 in their event include Angelo Douthard of Gadsden in Barbering; Jeffrey Morrow of Attalla in CNC Milling; Caleb McFall of Jacksonville in 数控车削; Taylor Hood of Rainsville and Krystle Cantrell of Ashville, both in 美容; Dawson Dodd of Centre and Davis Young of Piedmont, both in Diesel Equipment Technology; Lillie Vandergrift of Cedar Bluff (with model Brooke Campbell of Alexandria) in Esthetics; Kailey Hardy of Hokes Bluff in HVAC (双录取 / High School); Alex Collins of Southside in HVAC; and Thomas Jackson of Alexandria in Technical Drafting.

参赛学生的项目顾问包括克里斯蒂·克利夫顿(工作面试), 美容, 美容及理发), 佐拉·加纳(美容), 美容及理发), 蒂姆·哈迪(暖通空调), 布兰登·帕特森(汽车修补技术和汽车碰撞修复), 希斯·麦克丹尼尔(木工), 大卫·史密斯(数控铣削), 数控车削, 宣传公告牌与自动化制造技术), 詹姆斯·威尔逊(增材制造), 自动化制造技术与技术制图, 劳拉·安·苏林斯(即席演讲), Stephen Stuelp(柴油设备技术)和Tony throw(电气建筑布线和工业电机控制).

格林说:“我们的校园里有高素质的技术指导老师。. “他们以学生为中心, 他们让我们的学生掌握在竞争中脱颖而出的技能,并为毕业和直接进入劳动力市场做好准备.”

SkillsUSA竞赛是学生之间的伙伴关系, 老师, 学校和行业合作展示人才.  从事贸易的大学/高等技术学生的全国性组织, 包括联合健康职业在内的技术和熟练服务专业教学项目代表了300多个,000名学生和教师.  SkillsUSA在54个州和地区协会中有13,000个学校分会.


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